Table of contents
Introduction : 6
I] A few useful definitions : 9
1. Symbol :
2. Mythography :
3. Sword :
II] Forces at work in Middle-Earth : 13
1. The free peoples :
a) Hobbits :
b) Elves :
c) Men :
d) Wizards :
2. Evil forces :
a) Orcs :
b) Ringwraiths :
c) Miscellaneous :
III] Jesus Christ’s Oedipus complex : 23
1. The origins of Sting, or the blade to fight Oedipus :
2. Frodo’s inheritance : pity :
3. The power of the word :
4. The holy blade :
IV] The old man and the sword : 37
1. The servant of the Secret Fire :
2. A representation of Odin ?
V] The phoenix from Gondor 46
1. The broken sword : a forbidden love ?
2. The renewed blade : the return of the king ?
3. Envinyatar the Renewer :
VI] At the edge of doom : 59
VII] Mighty oaks from little acorns grow : 65
1. The Barrow-downs : the baptism of fire :
2. Merry and Pippin : the substitutes of Boromir and Théodred :
3. Sam, the archangel :
VIII] The dark side of the blade : 85
1. The baleful blades :
2. The Lord of the Nazgûls’ arch-nemesis : a woman :
IX] Conclusion : 97
Appendices : 102
Appendix A : A brief survey of Tolkien’s life and works :
1. A biographical account :
2. Tolkien’s works :
3. A few critics concerning The Lord of the Rings :
Appendix B : Glossary : persons :
Appendix C : Glossary : beasts, monsters and things :
1. Beasts and monsters :
2. Things :
Appendix D : Places and Maps :
1. Map of Middle-earth during the Third Age :
2. Map of the Realm of Gondor and Mordor :
Bibliography : 122